The Big Walnut German Program
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Course Descriptions and Pacing Guides
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081 German I 1 year – 1 credit PACING GUIDE
In German I students explore the German language through units about school, family, friends, travel, German-speaking countries and more. In these cultural units, students learn basic grammar and vocabulary needed in developing speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills. The use of the German language is highly stressed and required. It is vital that students build a strong foundation in first year German in order to be successful in German ll. Students are expected to attain a Novice Mid level of proficiency by the end of the first year.
082 German II 1 year – 1 credit, PACING GUIDE
In German II students learn to function more effectively in the language by building upon those skills and basics covered in German I. The cultural units of German II are more sophisticated in nature and include such topics as media, youth, careers, health, nutrition etc. German II is conducted in German with few exceptions and use of the language by the student is a very essential component of this course. Students will participate in a national testing program for German II students. This exam compares second year students nationwide and provides them with an individual percentile ranking. Based on their score, students may be able to apply for scholarship opportunities in Germany. Students are expected to attain a Novice High level of proficiency by the end of the second year.
083 Honors German III 1 year – 1 credit , PACING GUIDE
Students continue to build and refine their speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension skills in German III. In this course German continues to be the primary language of discussion and instruction. Students read longer and more sophisticated texts and are required to write expository as well as creative essays on cultural themes and topics. Students will be involved in various presentations and projects in German on different literary topics, themes and genres such as folktales, fairy tales and mysteries. Students are required to complete a summer assignment between German II and German III Honors. Students will participate in a national testing program for German III students. This exam compares third year students nationwide and provides them with an individual percentile ranking. Based on their score, students may be able to apply for scholarship opportunities in Germany. Students are expected to attain an Intermediate Low level of proficiency by the end of the third year.
084 Advanced Placement German 1 year – 1 credit , AP SYLABUS
In AP German, students continue to use all the skills mastered in their previous years of German. Students continue to practice and build upon their speaking, reading, writing and listening skills through units involving classical and modern German literature, current events, etc. AP German provides frequent opportunities for students to integrate the four language skills through the use of culturally authentic materials such as podcasts, newspaper/magazine articles, blogs, pop music, etc. With few exceptions, German is the language of instruction. The course provides students with regular opportunities, to develop their speaking skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse and topics. Students in AP German will be working with college level material. Course texts, tests, assignments, activities, projects, work load, expectations and grading reflect this. Students are also required to complete a summer assignment between German III and AP German. This course prepares students for the national AP test administered in the spring. Students are expected to attain an Intermediate mid to high of proficiency by the end of the fourth year.
German Travel Experience 1 credit
Those students who travel with Frau Craig* or participate in the Friendship Connection Exchange Program have the opportunity to earn credit for their experience abroad: their trip preparation, participation and follow-up project. All students will receive an instructional plan with guidelines when signing up for either program. This is an elective credit.
Those students independently traveling to German speaking countries with groups led by adults other than Big Walnut World Language faculty must apply for Flex Credit through the Flex Credit committee.
085/08 Independent Study German V, VI -1 credit
This course is for students who may have begun German earlier than their freshman year and wish to continue their study. The course is based on reading, discussing, and writing about literature in the areas of students’ interests. There will be a cost to the students associated with this independent study course. The cost is to be determined. Availability of this course will also be based on availability of instructor.